Saturday, October 11, 2008


I just had to share some AWESOME news! Miguel came home last night and is an official US Citizen! Our friends, Kim & Greg Chow, left last Monday to go to Casa Bernabe and things went very smoothly with the final steps of their adoption :) It was great greeting them at the airport yesterday and getting to see Miguel's smiling face here in the States! We shared in there happiness last night spending time with them at home. So these adoption processes really do finally end! Kim and Greg took their laptop down with them, so this has been the best week for communication! I received several emails a day from them, got a couple from Isaac, and phone calls everyday! I told them I thought they should just stay down there until we could pick up our boys so we continue with the great communication! LOL! Got to see their pictures last night and my boys look as handsome as ever! Isaac looks as if he's gone through another growth spurt in the past two months. The boys last day of school was Tuesday so they are happy to be on their "summer break". We were expecting that the birth certificates would be ready this past Thursday but they weren't. We were told that they should be ready Wednesday 10/15....we'll see! I am so ready to go get them and bring them home!!! Please continue to pray that things will go smoothly from here out.

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