Saturday, May 24, 2008

More Delays :(

Two weeks ago we were notified of more delays :( Instead of PGN stopping the processing of adoptions for 1 week as we were originally told, we found out that they are stopping the processing of all adoptions for 1 month. Birth mothers will be re-interviewed and new DNA tests done. However they won't need to do this step with our boys since they are "abandonment" cases. Then on May 9th they went to pick up the papers that they thought would be corrected for the US Embassy, only to be told that they now want a copy of Isaac & Cristian's dad's death certificate. The problem....they have no idea what day or where in Guatemala he passes away! They have gone to several municipalities searching with n o success. To me it seems like looking for a needle in a haystack! So frustrating for me when dad is the one who took them to the orphanage. So they will continue to search Guatemala looking for the death certificate. I was in a "funk" for a bit with this information. We want them home so badly, and figured they already would have been by now. It was bad timing receiving that information the week of Mother's Day. That week can be an emotional one for me anyway....missing my Mom & Mimma. Then Jimmi & Sasha couldn't come home on Mother's Day and Isaac & Cristian are in Guatemala. Guess I was just having a "pity party" for myself! But that party is over now! LOL!!! I did receive a mother's day email from the boys though which was awesome! Isaac surprised me with an unexpected phone call Thursday while I was at work! What a way to put me in a good mood! :) David is one of the house parents at Casa Bernabe and he has been wonderful at improving communication for us recently! He let's Isaac call from his phone, then we hang up and I call him back using my minutes. It was a nice chat...he didn't want to hang up and would have just kept talking! Cristian was at music class so I didn't get to talk to him. Isaac told me that he is now learning to play the clarinet. (He already plays the trombone). That gave me a chuckle reminiscing of Jimmi trying to learn the clarinet in 4th grade!!! LOL! He said he is starting to learn to read and write English a little now.
So, I would just like to ask all of you to say prayers for this adoption process, specifically that we can find dad's death certificate and that the judge will sign the paperwork the Embassy is requesting. It seems as if we need a miracle...BUT, I know just who can make miracles happen! :)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6


Lori :) said...

You know I am praying! I want to see those boys home soon!
Thanks for the update. I was wondering how the PGN shutdown was going to affect you guys or not. I think it's crazy that they have to find the dad's death certificate!! ugh! I can feel your pain Cindy! :( NEXT Mother's Day will be much better!!!!! :)
God bless you all!

Sandi Lerman said...

Blah... this waiting and waiting and waiting really is getting OLD, isn't it?? Lord, please give us peace and patience during this very frustrating time.